• 翻译句子【小题1】直到我开始努力,我才意识到我过去浪费了多少时间。__________ __________ I began to work hard __________ __________ __________ how much time I had wasted.【小题2】我一看到刘翔走上台就感觉非常激动。I felt very excited, __________ __________ I saw Liu Xiang walk onto the stage.【小题3】无论我们看上去有多么不同,然而我们本质上都是一样的, 都是平等的。____________ ____________ we may appear to be at first, we are all the same, all equal.【小题4】该组织提议政府关注乡村女孩辍学现象。The organization recommended that country girls’ dropping out of school __________ __________ ____________ to the attention of the government.【小题5】人们公认他们的孩子必须上一所好大学,这对他们的未来至关重要。It is generally agreed that their kids must go to a good university, __________ is __________ ___________ _______________ to their future.【小题6】20世纪70年代中期,人们厌倦了当时的流行音乐,迪斯科和摇滚乐都在走下坡路。In the mid 1970s, people were __________ __________ the pop music of the day, and disco music and rock music were both __________ __________.试题及答案-其他题型-云返教育

    • 试题详情

      __________ __________ I began to work hard __________ __________ __________ how much time I had wasted.
      I felt very excited, __________ __________ I saw Liu Xiang walk onto the stage.
      【小题3】无论我们看上去有多么不同,然而我们本质上都是一样的, 都是平等的。
      ____________ ____________ we may appear to be at first, we are all the same, all equal.
      The organization recommended that country girls’ dropping out of school __________ __________ ____________ to the attention of the government.
      It is generally agreed that their kids must go to a good university, __________ is __________ ___________ _______________ to their future.
      In the mid 1970s, people were __________ __________ the pop music of the day, and disco music and rock music were both __________ __________.



      【小题1】Not until; did I realize
      【小题2】the moment
      【小题3】However different
      【小题4】should be brought
      【小题5】which; of great/ vital importance
      【小题6】tired of / bored with; in decline


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