• 你能找出下列句中的错误吗?选出来并改一改。( ) 1. What the matter with you? ________________A B C D( ) 2. I'm two years old than you. ________________A B C D( ) 3. Me nose hurts. ________________A B C( ) 4. I see a mouse yesterday. ________________A B C D( ) 5. It's tail is longer. ________________ A B C D试题及答案-改错题-云返教育

    • 试题详情

      ( ) 1. What the matter with you?  ________________
           A    B   C  D
      ( ) 2. I'm two years old than you. ________________
          A    B  C D
      ( ) 3. Me nose hurts.      ________________
          A B   C
      ( ) 4. I see a mouse yesterday.  ________________
          A B   C   D
      ( ) 5. It's tail is longer.      ________________
          A B C D


      1. A-What's 2. C-older 3. A-My 4. B-saw 5. A-Its


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