• 下面各题划线部分是错误的,请将正确答案填在横线上。1. Where are you go this afternoon? 改为: _________________2. Come on. Let's go to the swim pool. 改为: _________________3. What is Sarah want to be in the future? 改为: _________________4. He listening to the music. 改为: _________________5. On Sunday, she's going to playing ping-pong. 改为: _________________试题及答案-填空题-云返教育

    • 试题详情

      1. Where are you go this afternoon? 改为: _________________
      2. Come on. Let's go to the swim pool. 改为: _________________
      3. What is Sarah want to be in the future? 改为: _________________
      4. He listening to the music. 改为: _________________
      5. On Sunday, she's going to playing ping-pong. 改为: _________________


      1. going 2. swimming 3. does 4. is listening 5. play


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