• 根据短文内容将这张明信片补充完整吧! Hello! My name is Ruirui. I buy a postcard. It's very cute. It has got a bird on it. The bird is flying. Iwant to send it to my mother. My mother lives in 56 Chang'an Road in Wuhan.I buy a stamp, too. I putthe stamp in the top, right corner.试题及答案-图解题-云返教育

    • 试题详情

      Hello! My name is Ruirui. I buy a postcard. It's very cute. It has got a bird on it. The bird is flying. I
      want to send it to my mother. My mother lives in 56 Chang'an Road in Wuhan.I buy a stamp, too. I put
      the stamp in the top, right corner.




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