• ???句子,写序号。1. It doesn 't matter.2. This green is too light.3. Other colors?4. What about the red one?5. What size do you want?A: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?B: Yes, please. I'd like to buy a coat.A: ___________________________B: Size (尺码) 40.A: All right. ___________________________B: I don't like red. Do you have any other (其他的) colors?A: _______________________What colors do you like?B: I like green.A: OK. Here's a green one.B: Oh, ________________________A: I'm sorry, sir.B: _______________________ Thank you all the same.试题及答案-补全对话、情景问答-云返教育

    • 试题详情

      1. It doesn 't matter.
      2. This green is too light.
      3. Other colors?
      4. What about the red one?
      5. What size do you want?
      A: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?
      B: Yes, please. I'd like to buy a coat.
      A: ___________________________
      B: Size (尺码) 40.
      A: All right. ___________________________
      B: I don't like red. Do you have any other (其他的) colors?
      A: _______________________What colors do you like?
      B: I like green.
      A: OK. Here's a green one.
      B: Oh, ________________________
      A: I'm sorry, sir.
      B: _______________________ Thank you all the same.


      5 4 3 2 1


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