• A man accused (指控)of failing to return more than 700 children’s books to five different libraries was allowed to get out of prison yesterday after a book publisher agreed to pay his bail(保释金)of $1,000. The publisher said, “ There’s a story here. This is a man who books. He just can’t them. He hasn’t stolen a(n) book. So what’s the crime ? We think that Mr Barush has a story to tell. We plan to his story.”试题及答案-完形填空-云返教育

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      A man accused (指控)of failing to return more than 700 children’s books to five different libraries was allowed to get out of prison yesterday after a book publisher agreed to pay his bail(保释金)of $1,000. The publisher said, “ There’s a story here. This is a man who books. He just can’t them. He hasn’t stolen a(n) book. So what’s the crime ? We think that Mr Barush has a story to tell. We plan to his story.”


      【小题3】考查动词词组辨析。A有趣的;B昂贵的;C单一的;D厚的。顺应上文,他爱书,所以才没还书,这700多本书,他没有偷任何一本书。 故选C
      【小题4】考查动词词组辨析。A复述;B包括;C讨论;D出版,公布。 We think that Mr Barush has a story to tell. We plan to___his story.”我们认为他有故事故事要讲。我们打算将他的故事公布出来或事出版。根据这是一个publiher,所以他有可能是将男子的故事编辑并出版出来;也可以理解为将故事公之于众;故选D
      【小题6】考查动词词组辨析。A扔;B转动;C展示,演示;D邀请。 I was afraid to return them because I knew that kids or dogs would get hold of these books and chew them up, ____them around根据此句,我怕还书因为我知道小孩子或是狗儿会拿到这些书,啃这些书,。。。顺应下来,应该是乱扔这些书。throw sth around,四处扔。故选A
      【小题7】考查动词词组辨析。A词,言语;B页;C标题;D形状。结合下文tear the___, spill soda on them, and drown them in the toilet.”撕书页,吐汽水在上面,或是丢进厕所。tear,撕,按常识都可知是撕书页。故选B
      【小题8】考查动词词组辨析。A机会;B尊敬;C智慧;D方向。He continued, “ Books are people, too! They talk to you, they take care of you, and they enrich you with____and humor and love.书也是人。它们跟你讲话,照顾你,并且他们会使你充满智慧,幽默和爱。书的最基本功能就是给人知识和智慧,所以是智慧;另根据后面的幽默,爱的词义也可推断此处应该是并列的词义,智慧最符合。故选C
      【小题9】考查动词词组辨析。kick out 把。。。踢出去,撵走。男子不愿意把书撵走,就是男子不愿意把书还回。故选A
      【小题10】考查动词词组辨析。A忽视;B覆盖;C代替;D清洁,使干净。爱书,所以就把书上的灰层打扫干净。clean the dust。故选D
      【小题12】考查动词词组辨析。A跳舞;B游泳;C呼吸;D唱歌。I turned pages so they could___ and get some fresh air.我翻页这样它们就可以呼吸,获得一些新鲜空气。根据下午获得新鲜空气,故选C
      【小题14】考查动词词组辨析。A仁慈;B指控;C中心;D要求,请求。at the mercy of,受。。。的支配。Now they’re all back in the library, on the floors, at the___of all those runny-nosed kids.现在这些书在图书馆后面的地板上,正在受这些流着鼻涕的孩子们支配。因为他爱书,所以会时刻担心想像这些书被小孩子糟蹋时的场景。故选A
      【小题15】考查动词词组辨析。A借;B营救;C回答;D识别,认出。I can hear them calling me! I need to ____ them. 我听到这些书在呼唤我,我得去营救它们了。故选B


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