• Though war is something people hate, Director Feng Xiaoning often exposes his audien D.In the Mood for Love6 P% j2 F' G7 _' _1 I7 V1 O6 H 【小题3】A Chinese peasant and a Soviet woman solider seized a Japanese girl so that _____.A.they could find the Japanese base easily C.show Feng’s personal preference in dealing with details D.make the film moving and interesting试题及答案-阅读理解-云返教育

    • 试题详情

      Though war is something people hate, Director Feng Xiaoning often exposes his audien D.In the Mood for Love6 P% j2 F' G7 _' _1 I7 V1 O6 H 【小题3】A Chinese peasant and a Soviet woman solider seized a Japanese girl so that _____.
      A.they could find the Japanese base easily
      C.show Feng’s personal preference in dealing with details
      D.make the film moving and interesting





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