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    • 设函数f(x)是定义域为R的偶函数,且在(-∞,0)上为减函数,若x1<0,且x1+x2>0,则f(x1)与f(x2)的大小关系是         
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    • “我爱我的国,我爱我的家。”这句话体现了爱国与爱家是统一的,下列名言与这句话主旨一致的是
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    • 看漫画,运用“文化生活”知识,回答下列问题。

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    • (6分)有以下几种物质① 干燥的食盐晶体 ② 液态氯化氢 ③ 水银 ④ 蔗糖 ⑤二氧化碳 ⑥ KNO3溶液 ⑦ 水 ⑧ 碳酸氢钠固体 填空回答(填序号):
      ③⑥⑦ ;
      ①②⑦⑧ ;
      ④⑤ ;
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    • 阅读下列材料:
      材料一 魏初,民多荫附;荫附者皆无官役,而豪强征敛倍于公赋。给事中李安世上言:“岁饥民流,田业多为豪右所占夺;虽桑井难复,宜更均量,使力业相称。又,所争
      材料二 对于孝文帝改革的意义,学术界有不同的声音。499年孝文帝去世后,北魏进入动乱不一的多事之秋,二十余年以后爆发了六镇起义,再过十余年,北魏即分裂为东魏和西魏二国,实权分别落入高欢、宇文泰等人之手。因此,有学者认为造成北魏后来动乱局面的根源,实际上可追溯到孝文帝改革。因为孝文帝舍平城迁都洛阳,改鲜卑武勇之风为汉人文弱之风,进一步削弱了北魏军事力量,孝文帝的改革不但没有振兴北魏,反而加速了北魏国家和拓跋民族的灭亡。
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    • 1545年,玻利维亚波托西银矿的发现和开采引发了震动全欧洲的、持续两个世纪之久的“白银热”。这股“白银热”对历史进程产生的积极影响是
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    • (15分)【历史上重大改革问眸】阅渎材料,回答下列问题:
      材料一 西汉前期,钱币袭秦形制,文曰“半两”,法定重量当为十二铢。但铸造时通常实重不及其额,前后铸造的钱币大小、轻重亦不一致。诸侯、达官、豪富多私造牟利,私铸钱低劣者薄如榆英.号为“英钱”。不同时期、来源、质量的货币同时流通于市场,折算困难,交易非常不便。汉武帝统治时期,由于对外征伐不断,中央财政从此前“京师之钱累巨万.贯朽而不可校”的丰盈一变而为入不敷出的困局。
      材料二 汉武帝于元鼎四年(前1l3年)将铸币权从各郡国收归中央政府,使中央政府对五铢进行统一铸造和发行。“於是悉禁郡国无铸钱,专令上林三官铸。钱既多,而令天下非三官钱不得行,诸郡国所前铸钱皆废销之,输其铜三官。而民之铸钱益少,计其费不能相当,唯真工大奸乃盗为之。”五铢钱轻重合宜,自汉至隋七百余年,基本上行用不废。
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    • Want to lose weight? Try eating. That’s one of the ways being developed by scientists experimenting with foods that trick the body into feeling full.
      At he Institute of Food Research in Norwich, England, food expert Peter Wilde and his colleagues are developing foods that slow down the digestive system, which then sends a signal to the brain that stops appetite. “That fools you into thinking you’ve eaten far too much when you really haven’t,” said Wilde. From his studies on fat digestion, he said it should be possible to make foods, from bread to yoghurt, that make it easier to diet. While the research is still in its early stages, Wilde’s approach to controlling appetite is one that some doctors say could be a key to solving the problem of obesity.
      “Being able to switch off appetite would be a big help for people having trouble losing weight,” said Steve Bloom, a professor of investigative medicine at London’s Imperial College, who is not connected to Wilde’s research. Bloom said that regulating appetite through foods is theoretically possible. But Bloom warned that controlling appetite may be very challenging. “The body has lots of things to prevent its regulatory systems from being tricked,” he said.
      Wilde’s research makes use of the body’s ways of digesting fat. Fat normally gets broken down in the first part of the small intestines (肠道). When you eat a high-fat meal, however, the body can only digest the fat entirely further down in the intestines, which then causes the body to produce a kind of chemical to stop the appetite.
      Wilde’s approach copies what happens with a high-fat meal. He coats fat droplets (滴) in foods with modified proteins from plants, so it takes longer for the chemical that breaks down fat to reach it. That means that the fat isn’t digested until it hits the far reaches of the intestines. At that point, intestinal cells send a signal telling the brain it’s full. Even though the body hasn’t had a high-fat meal, it stops the appetite as if it has. If the fat had been digested earlier in the intestines, no such signal would be sent.
      51. According to Wilde’s research, what could people do if they want to lose weight?
      A. Eat more bread and yoghurt. B. Trick the body by eating nothing.
      C. Have foods with fat droplets coated. D. Control their digestive system strictly.
      52. The underlined word “obesity” in Para. 2 most probably means “________”.
      A. being too fat B. eating too much food
      C. stopping appetite D. being unhealthy
      53. What can be inferred about Professor Bloom’s opinion towards Wilde’s approach?
      A. It won’t work since the body’s regulatory systems will never be tricked.
      B. It is sure to switch off the appetite of people with a weight problem.
      C. It sounds terrible because regulating appetite through foods is not practical at all.
      D. It’s no that easy to trick the body so more research should be done.
      54. Which of the following is TRUE about Wilde’s approach?
      A. A kind of chemical is added to make a high-fat meal less fatty.
      B. Fat is digested earlier and the body sends a signal telling the brain it’s full.
      C. Fat won’t get broken down in the first part of the small intestines.
      D. The chemical that breaks down fat will not reach the fat.
      55. The passage is written to ________.
      A. give advice on how to stop eating high-fat meals
      B. introduce a research on controlling appetite
      C. discuss the argument between two professors
      D. show different ways to trick the body
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