• 2014江苏2016年成人高考试题库试题及答案-云返教育

    • 安居乐业是中国人的一个生活理想追求。面对居高不下、节节高攀的房价,国人只好望房兴叹。一部电视剧《蜗居》反映了当前国人为房子所累所烦恼的社会心态。为此,2010年中国政府出台了一系列调控房地产的新政:
      类型: 解答题     难度系数:
    • 马克思说:“哲学家并不像蘑菇那样是从地里冒出来的,他们是自己的时代、自己的人民的产物,人民的最美好、最珍贵、最隐蔽的精髓都汇集在哲学思想里。”这说明:
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • (多选)从国家权力的运行方式看,英国权力机关的变化趋势是         CD
      类型: 多选题     难度系数:
    • 读我国东南沿海某区域图(如图),回答下列问题。(4分)

      类型: 解答题     难度系数:
    • 两个正整数的公因数只有1的两个数,叫做互质数,例如:2与7互质,3与4互质,在2,3,4,5,6,7的任一排列中使相邻两数都互质的不同排列方式共有          种(用数字作答P).
      类型: 填空题     难度系数:
    • 阅读以下材料并回答问题。
      材料一 下图来自一个反科学的画家的作品。图中牛顿坐在时空之海中的一块岩石上,专心致志地用他的数学工具来定义物质世界的事实。这幅画起名《一个英雄式的牛顿》,但画家抗议说:“上帝不是一个数学图表!”

      材料二 就在英国发生革命的同时,开始于意大利文艺复兴时期的科学革命也在英国达到了它的高潮阶段。科学革命的集大成者艾萨克﹒牛顿的划时代的伟大工作主要就是在英国革命期间完成的。这两大革命由此构成了一副17世纪的“双元革命”奇观,与18世纪的“双元革命”——英国工业革命和法国大革命,交相辉映。
      类型: 解答题     难度系数:
    • “想参加陪审团的公民按先后秩序依次进入,直到既定的人数到齐为止……开庭审理前,陪审员对案件一无所知,他们了解整个案情、进行判决的唯一依据是诉讼人的演说陈述。”古雅典的这一制度         
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:

    • Cricket
      About the game:
      Cricket is a game played between two teams, generally of 11 members each. Essentially, it is single combat, in which an individual batsman does battle against an individual bowler, who has helpers known as fielders. The bowler throws the ball from one end of the 22-yard pitch in an attempt to dismiss (send out) the batsman by hitting a target known as the wicket at the other end, or by causing the batsman to hit the ball into the air into a fielder's grasp. The batsman attempts to defend the wicket with the bat and to score runs, by striking the ball to the field boundary, or far enough from the fielders to allow the batsman to run to the other end of the pitch before the ball can be returned. There are always two batsmen on the field, each to take a turn as required. When all but one of the batting team, altogether eleven of them, have been dismissed, the teams' roles are switched. After all the players required to bat on both sides have done so either once or twice (which can take from a few hours to five days) the total number of runs accumulated determines the winner. But sometimes there isn't one.
      Important terms of cricket:
      Batsman: A player who uses a bat to hit, or guide the ball after it has been bowled, usually for the purpose of scoring runs.
      Boundary: Indicates the outer limit of the playing area.
      Bowler: Refers to a player who’s primarily good at throwing a ball to a batsman. The basic goal is to get the ball past the batsman and break the wicket behind him with it and thus cause the batsman to be dismissed.
      Catch: If a fieldsman catches a struck ball before it touches the ground, that is a catch and the batsman is out.
      Fielder: A player placed within the field, with the object of stopping the batting team from scoring runs, also called “fieldsman”.
      Four: If the ball is hit to bounce or roll over the boundary, this is a "boundary four"; four runs are added.
      Run: The method of scoring during a game of cricket. Also refers to a single unit of score.
      Six: If the batsman hits the ball clear over the boundary on the fly, six runs are added to the score.
      Umpire: A person appointed to rule on plays in cricket.
      64. What’s the right order of the four kinds of people (1—4 ) on the cricket ground (see picture on the right ) ?
      A. bowler; umpire; batsman; fielder B. batsman; umpire; fielder; bowler
      C. fielder; bowler; batsman; umpire D. bowler; umpire; fielder; batsman
      65. What happens when the batsman hits the ball, which first touches the ground inside the pitch and rolls quickly over the boundary to one of the viewers outside the cricket ground?
      A. The batsman gets dismissed. B. The batting side gets four runs.
      C. The batting team gets six runs. D. The bowler’s team gets four runs.
      66. We can learn from the passage that ________.
      A. the side which has all its batsmen dismissed wins the game
      B. the side which dismisses all batsmen of the other side wins the game
      C. the side which gets more runs than the other side wins the game
      D. the side which dismisses more of the other side’s batsmen wins the game
      类型: 阅读理解     难度系数:


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