• 2017浙江高中物理高考试题库试题及答案-云返教育

    • “只要我们有根,纵然没有一片叶子遮身,仍旧是一株顶天立地的树。就让我们调整那立姿,在风雪里站得更稳,坚忍地度过这凛冽寒冬。是的,只要我们有根,明春来时,我们又会枝繁叶茂,宛如新生。”这首诗表明
      ①中华文化独树一帜、独领风骚 ②传统文化在世代相传中保留其基本特征
      ③自强不息是中华民族精神的核心 ④中华民族精神是民族生存发展的精神支柱
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 2012年伦敦奥运会开幕式上,J?K?罗琳的经典儿童小说《哈利?波特》中的故事被引入到了表演中。从1997年《哈利?波特》首部作品诞生,到2011年8月终结版电影全球上映,其在全球的图书、电影、主题公园等,各种开发价值已超过300亿美元。这启示我们         
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 对小企业劣质奶粉进行“封杀”         
      ①有利于维护正常的市场交易秩序 ②违背了市场交易的平等性原则 ③违背了市场经济的开放性特征 ④能够维护消费者的安全权、公平交易权
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 下列关于热学知识的说法正确的是(  )
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 在大米和面粉中生活的米虫一生都不需“饮水”,也吃不到含水量丰富的食物,可它们仍能正常生活。其原因是         
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 2008年登上珠峰的我国采集圣火的队员,他们生理上出现的适应性变化是
      ①体温下降 ②机体耗氧量降低 ③皮肤血管收缩 ④体温调节中枢兴奋性增强
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 某一反应物的浓度是 1.0mol/L,经过 10s 后,它的浓度变成了 0.2mol/L,在这 10s内,它的反应速率为         
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • NEW YORK CITY?A hurricane warning has been given for New York City.Forecasters say Hurricane Irene could cause widespread flooding, power failure and billions of dollars in damage.About 65 million Americans live in Hurricane Irene’s projected path —many of whom have been evacuated
      In New York City, Mayor Michael Bloomberg has ordered the city’s first-ever evacuation. Roughly 250,000 people have been told to leave their homes in low-lying areas, including the Wall Street financial district.
      WASHINGTON D.C.—On Aug.24, 2011, Apple announced that Mr.Steve Jobs, who has battled cancer for several years, was stepping down as the CEO but would serve as chairman.
      In January, he had announced that he was taking a medical leave of absence from Apple.In announcing his leave, he turned daily oversight of the company over to the chief operating officer, Timothy D.Cook, and it was Mr.Cook whom Apple named to succeed him as the next CEO of the company.
      TRIPOLI—Opposition forces in Libya say they control more than 90 percent of the country.It is still not clear where Moammar Gadhafi is.The opposition has offered more than 1,600,000 dollars for his capture (逮捕).The head of the opposition forces said his group supports a decision by local businessmen to provide the money in an effort to speed up the capture.Earlier Wednesday, government forces fired onto the former headquarters (总部) of Mr.Gadhafi, which is now controlled by opposition forces.Heavy fighting also continued near Tripoli’s airport and in a town of Zuara.
      【小题1】The underlined word "evacuated" probably means ________.
      A.sent away to safer places
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