• 2010-2007甘肃高考试题库 在线答题试题及答案-云返教育

    • 某工厂今年前五个月每月生产某种产品的数量C(件)关于时间t(月)的函数图象如图所示,则这个工厂对这种产品来说         
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 图中两个市场调查员对同一地区的调查之所以得出截然不同的结论,是由         

      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 实践是认识的唯一来源。T
      类型: 判断题     难度系数:
    • 从2012年7月1日起,除特别规定、特殊领域外,广东将社会组织的业务主管单位改为业务指导单位,社会组织直接向民政部门申请成立。同时,引入竞争机制,允许一业多会。这表明
      ①政府职能正逐步减少 ②社会组织将逐渐代替政府行使职能
      ③社会组织的活力将日益释放 ④公民参与政治生活的渠道越来越多
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 某工厂今年前五个月每月生产某种产品的数量C(件)关于时间t(月)的函数图象如图所示,则这个工厂对这种产品来说         
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 如图所示,铅盒A中装有天然放射性物质,放射线从其右端小孔中水平向右射出,在小孔和荧光屏之间有垂直于纸面向里的匀强磁场,则下列说法中正确的有         AC
      类型: 多选题     难度系数:
    • 下表是植物细胞生长过程中的两个阶段变化的一些数据:
      组别 长度(urn) 直径(um) 壁厚度(um) 细胞体积(um) 液泡体积(urn)
      阶段1 26 24 2 12600 600
      阶段2 36 330 2 336000 273000
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 《中国社会史》认为春秋战国时期出现了一种“积极而又务实的思潮”,“这一思潮基本上紧扣帝国建立前两百年整个政治生活所关心的两大实际问题:一是‘富国’(为君主提供富强的物质手段),二是‘强兵’(以兵力确保君主广泛的霸权或主权)。”掀起“这一思潮”的学派是
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 把下列单词填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填单词的形式变化):
      shake rise smelly pond burst canal steam ruin injure destroy brick dam shock rescue electricity disaster organize bury mine shelter fresh speech judge honour prepare
      1 Let me write it down while it is still _________ in my mind.
      2 Without __________ our life would be quite different today.
      3 He got _________ in the right leg while playing foofball last week.
      4 When an earthquake comes people can feel the house _________.
      5 At Jerry’s party, Mr Smith delivered an amusing _________.
      6 If a nuclear war should break out, it would bring a great _________ to man.
      7 Most of the buildings _________ in the earthquake.
      8 From yesterday on the temperature began to _________.
      9 Never _________ a person only by his clothes.
      10 Our class went on an _________ trip last Monday.
      11 Stones and _________ are used to build a house.
      12 The water in the small _________ froze and kids skated on it.
      13 The clothes of those who smoke a lot are often __________.
      14 Li Siguang is __________ as the father of geology in China.
      15 After getting hanged Saddam Husin _________ in his home town.
      16 Three Gorges (峡)________ on the Changjiang River is a great project in the world.
      17 Reading the letter, she _________ out crying.
      18 The students are busy __________ for the New Year’s Day Evening.
      19 Hundreds of workers were killed in the coal _________ accidents last year.
      20 He was greatly _________ at the news of his uncle’s death.
      21 The Grand ________ was built during the Sui Dynasty(隋朝).
      22 It looks like rain. We’d better seek _________ from the rain.
      23 Five soliders were sent to _________ those skiers trapped in the snow.
      24 _________ can be seen rising from the boiling kettle(水壶).
      25 The bad weather _________ our trip.
      类型: 其他题型     难度系数:

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