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    • Bean and other seed shoots are also known as sprouts (新芽). The dry bean seeds contain a store of nutrients just waiting to be released when they sprout. Under the right conditions they will germinate (发芽)。 As they grow, the food value of the seeds is multiplied into vitamins, minerals (矿物质) and other nutrients. This happens almost overnight!
      It is easy to grow your own sprouts, but you need to buy your seeds from supermarkets or health food stores. Seeds for planting in the garden are often powdered with chemicals, so when becoming sprouts they are not safe to eat.
      Try growing sprouts from a variety of beans and seeds. You will find different sprouts at different stages. Bean sprouts are best when they are about three centimeters long. Wheat and sunflower sprouts taste best when the sprouts and the seeds are of the same length. If the sunflower sprout is too long it leaves a funny stinging feeling in the throat after eating. Alfalfa sprouts are best when their small leaves are well developed. Pea and soybean sprouts are good long or short.
      If you leave your sprouts in filtered sunlight for a few hours, the leaves will turn green as chlorophyll (叶绿素) is added. Eating sprouts with green leaves benefits your blood, cells, and the digestive system.
      【小题1】Which of the following sprouts taste good whether they are long or short?
      A.Soybean sprouts
      C.Alfalfa sprouts D.Wheat sprouts D.lose
      类型: 阅读理解     难度系数:
    • (12分)材料 “贵和”思想在我国对外关系上一直发挥着重要而独特的作用。随着中国综合国力的增强,一些国家根据历史上“国强必霸”的逻辑,渲染中国威胁论。然而,中国在追求本国利益时兼顾别国合理关切,坚持走和平发展道路。2013年3月,国家主席习近平在访问非洲期间,宣布未来3年内中方将向非洲提供200亿美元贷款,在力所能及范围内帮助其他国家发展。中国始终坚持扩大战略共识,增强战略互信,积极参与应对当前金融危机的挑战,为促进世界经济复苏作出贡献。
      类型: 解答题     难度系数:
    • 一天,某村村民一大早就来到投票站,参加对村民委员会主任的投票。此前,3名候选人已经进行了13场演讲和答辩,面对面地回答了村民提出的160多个问题。有人认为,“选举与我无关,选谁都可以”。请你谈谈对这种观点的看法。
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    • 2011年 8月5日,美国主权债务危机爆发,使世界各国市场恐慌情绪蔓延,全球股市暴跌,美国股市更是创下自从2008年10月份金融危机以来最大单日跌幅。上述材料表明美国主权债务危机
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    • 2007年,亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议、中国与东盟领导人会议、联合国气候变化大会先后举行,如何应对气候变化成为上述国际会议共同关注的议题。
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    • 如图所示,矩形线框在磁场内做的各种运动中,能够产生感应电流的是         
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    • 对于函数,输入x的值,输出相应的函数值.
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    • 史料是历史学习的重要载体。下列材料中,最无可辩驳的实证日本侵华罪行的是
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:


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