• 2014青海2016高考试题库试题及答案-云返教育

    • 采用3D技术制作的《大闹天宫》使人们重温了经典。片中,如意金箍棒在孙悟空手中,要大则大,要小则小;要长则长,要短则短;要粗则粗,要细则细------如意金箍棒说明         
      ①物质依赖于人的意识 ②并非一切物质都具有客观实在性
      ③物质固有属性是运动 ④意识活动具有主动创造性
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • “四海之内皆兄弟”(子夏),“四海之内若一家”(荀子)。这些古语主要体现了中华民族A.热情A. 好客、崇尚交流的民族品质
      类型: 解答题     难度系数:
    • 人大听审制度是指人大常委会组织常委会组成人员或部分人大代表,在同级人民法院公开审理案件时 进行旁听的制度。实行人大听审制度体现了
      ②人民法 院不能单独行使审判权
      ③人民法院的工作接受人 民代表大会的监督
      A.①③④ B.②③ C.①③ D.①④
      类型: 解答题     难度系数:
    • (2013?惠州二模)有一段圆弧形坡道,如图所示,若将同一辆车先后停放在a点和b点,下述分析和比较正确的是(  )
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 普及化学知识有助于人们树立健康的观念.下列观念正确的是(  )
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 兴奋往中枢神经系统的传导过程中,有时存在一个突触引起的兴奋被后一个突触抑制的现象,如下图是突触2抑制突触1兴奋传导的过程示意图。请据图回答:

      内的Gly释放出来,并与分布在突触后膜上的Gly受体结合,导致通道乙开启,使阴离子内流,A处的兴奋 (能或不能)传至B处。
      。上述过程体现了细胞膜具有是 的功能。
      类型: 解答题     难度系数:
    • 下面这幅漫画所反映出的历史是
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • .
      The results of the US/NATO bombing Yugoslavia are to be judged by history. I shall not be the one to do this. But being in the center of actual events that are creating that history, I cannot stay away from what is going on in my country.
        First of all, the main aim of the bombing was to prevent a human suffering in Kosovo. Today, after many days of frequent bombing, that aim is more distant than before. The bombing only brought tens of thousands of people running away from their homes, not to mention the large number of the death and injury, buildings and factories. Suppose that the US/NATO really had a wish to prevent the human suffering, they should realize by now how wrong they were when they thought the bombing would solve the problem.
        So, what’s left? Back off or ground troops? But who is going to join the ground troops? It would take at least 200,000 armed soldiers, not the 20,000 that the US/NATO have prepared in Macedonia. It should also be clear that the Serbs(塞族人) will not give up on Kosovo.
        I live under continuous bombing for more than a week now, and it doesn’t frighten me anymore. I don’t turn to the shelter at the sound of warning. It’s the thought of ground troops that frightens me. Vietnam would seem like a picnic compared to a bloodshed(流血事件) in Kosovo if the ground troops appear. Is that what the US/NATO wants?
      72. Which of the following statements is true?
        A. The US/NATO really intends to stop the human suffering.
        B. The result of the war will be judged by people in Kosovo.
        C. The bombing made tens of thousands of people homeless.
        D. The continuous bombing will make the Serbs give up on Kosovo.
      73. The writer is _____.
        A. an American reporter     B. a Chinese reporter
        C. a Macedonian        D. a Yugoslavian
      74. What worries the writer most?
        A. The continuous bombing.      B. The coming of the ground troops.
        C. The sound of bomb warning.    D. The idea of ground troops.
      75. What is the writer’s attitude towards the bombing in Kosovo?
        A. It is the US/NATO’s duty to defend Kosovo.
        B. It is wrong to solve the problem by bombing Kosovo.
        C. The aim of bombing Kosovo is to stop a human suffering.
        D. The bombing can solve the problem of Kosovo.
      类型: 阅读理解     难度系数:


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