• 日常生活类试题及答案-高中英语-云返教育

    • It gives me great pleasure today to say a few words in praise of a man we will all miss very much. To be honest, I can't imagine we will do without him when he's gone.
        Bill Masters almost single-handed built up our sales force in the Houston area and developed the market position that we enjoy today. In only six years, he has brought the firm from a very low fifth position in the area sales to the point where we now outsell all but one of our competitors. Not only have we got 37 per cent of the market under Bill's leadership; we are increasing our share with each passing month.
        As you know, the company has moved Bill to northern California to work his sales magic in one of this company's most competitive(竞争的) areas. But we know that if anyone can do it, Bill Masters can, and I know you all join me in wishing him the best of luck in his new work.
      【小题1】The speech was made _______.
      A.at a welcome meeting
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    • No one can change the weather. Nobody can control the weather. But if we read correctly the signs around us, we can tell what the more important changes in the weather will be. This way of telling what the weather will be like on the following day or two is called weather forecasting(天气预报).
      For many centuries and in all countries, people have studied the weather and tried to make weather forecasting. Rings around the sun are a sign of coming rain. That many people feel their joints(关节) hurt is a sign of wet weather. Some birds fly high if fine weather is coming, but they fly near the ground if rainy or stormy weather is on the way. If you see a rainbow during rainy weather, this is a sign that the weather will become clear and fine. Such rainbows come in the evening. If the stars twinkle clearly at night, then fine weather will continue. If a fog appears in the morning just above a river, then the day will be warm. If the sunset is mostly red in colour, then the following day will be fine. If a rainbow appears in the morning, rainy weather will probably come.
      Most of the above sayings have been made by the people who have used their eyes and brains to make weather forecasting.
      类型: 阅读理解     难度系数:
    • Keeping pace with teachers is a fine way to study English.Teachers are experienced and their plans are systematic.But remember to work in a way that suits you.It's important to learn from past mistakes as well.Keep a notebook to make a record of the mistakes you make-it'll help you avoid making the same ones later. D.parent
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    • American middle school students don’t seem to care that they’re worse at maths than their counterparts (同龄人) in China’s Hong Kong and Finland. “I don’t need it,” my student says, “I’m going to be a basketball star.” Or a car mechanic, or a singer. D.a maths teacher
      类型: 阅读理解     难度系数:
    • Keeping pace with teachers is a fine way to study English.Teachers are experienced and their plans are systematic.But remember to work in a way that suits you.It's important to learn from past mistakes as well.Keep a notebook to make a record of the mistakes you make-it'll help you avoid making the same ones later. C.teacher c) U- _6 i7 H G D.parent
      类型: 阅读理解     难度系数:
    • No one can change the weather. Nobody can control the weather. But if we read correctly the signs around us, we can tell what the more important changes in the weather will be. This way of telling what the weather will be like on the following day or two is called weather forecasting(天气预报).
      For many centuries and in all countries, people have studied the weather and tried to make weather forecasting. Rings around the sun are a sign of coming rain. That many people feel their joints(关节) hurt is a sign of wet weather. Some birds fly high if fine weather is coming, but they fly near the ground if rainy or stormy weather is on the way. If you see a rainbow during rainy weather, this is a sign that the weather will become clear and fine. Such rainbows come in the evening. If the stars twinkle clearly at night, then fine weather will continue. If a fog appears in the morning just above a river, then the day will be warm. If the sunset is mostly red in colour, then the following day will be fine. If a rainbow appears in the morning, rainy weather will probably come.
      Most of the above sayings have been made by the people who have used their eyes and brains to make weather forecasting.
      类型: 阅读理解     难度系数:
    • Changsha,
      Hunan Province
      May 6, 2010
      Dear editor,
      Under China’s current educational system, there are those who do nothing but study. They of course are thought to be model students.
      But I feel that there is another type of student who, perhaps not as diligent (勤奋的) as the first type, uses his time more efficiently and achieves a lot academically.
      Last year, a classmate of mine was accepted by a top university. It surprised all of us. It was because, unlike most of us, he didn’t spend too much of his time studying.
      When I asked him the secret of his success, he said that the key was properly and scientifically arranging his time.
      “ I spent a lot of time keeping fit and as a result, I was able to better concentrate (集中) on my class work.”
      The moral of the story is: it isn’t necessary to sit at your desk all day long to get high academic (学术) grades.
      Zhang Zishu
      【小题1】What does the letter-writer (a reader) think leads to the fact that many students do nothing but study?
      A.The present educational system.
      C.doing nothing but studying
      类型: 阅读理解     难度系数:
    • It seems that some people go out of their way to get into trouble.That’s more or less what happened the night that Nashville Police officer Floyd Hyde was on duty.
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    • No one can change the weather. Nobody can control the weather. But if we read correctly the signs around us, we can tell what the more important changes in the weather will be. This way of telling what the weather will be like on the following day or two is called weather forecasting(天气预报).
      For many centuries and in all countries, people have studied the weather and tried to make weather forecasting. Rings around the sun are a sign of coming rain. That many people feel their joints(关节) hurt is a sign of wet weather. Some birds fly high if fine weather is coming, but they fly near the ground if rainy or stormy weather is on the way. If you see a rainbow during rainy weather, this is a sign that the weather will become clear and fine. Such rainbows come in the evening. If the stars twinkle clearly at night, then fine weather will continue. If a fog appears in the morning just above a river, then the day will be warm. If the sunset is mostly red in colour, then the following day will be fine. If a rainbow appears in the morning, rainy weather will probably come.
      Most of the above sayings have been made by the people who have used their eyes and brains to make weather forecasting.
      类型: 阅读理解     难度系数:
    • American middle school students don’t seem to care that they’re worse at maths than their counterparts (同龄人) in China’s Hong Kong and Finland. “I don’t need it,” my student says, “I’m going to be a basketball star.” Or a car mechanic, or a singer. D.they don’t do well in maths7 V" a% Q4 _( g2 \* @, C 【小题2】The example in Paragraph 3 is used to show __________.
      A.every coin has its two sides
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    • .Knowing where you are going, you can make a better 75 of the route to get there.
    类型: 其他题型     难度系数:
  • Changsha, D.playing all the time
    类型: 阅读理解     难度系数:
  • Wearing seat belt is,of course,the first step to safe driving.These additional measures might also save your life. C.Ask. C.it is safer to drive in the middle D.we must drive on the left
    类型: 阅读理解     难度系数:
  • It gives me great pleasure today to say a few words in praise of a man we will all miss very much. To be honest, I can't imagine we will do without him when he's gone.C.to be the fifth largest in the area* _# H0 Z$ J' U; eD.five times as much as before
    类型: 阅读理解     难度系数:
  • Parents should stop blaming themselves because there’s not a lot they can do about it. I mean the teenager problem. Whatever you do or however you choose to deal with it, at certain times a wonderful, reasonable and helpful child will turn into a terrible animal. B.a headmaster of a middle school C.a parent with teenage children D.Parents are at fault for the change in their children.
    类型: 阅读理解     难度系数:
  • No one can change the weather. Nobody can control the weather. But if we read correctly the signs around us, we can tell what the more important changes in the weather will be. This way of telling what the weather will be like on the following day or two is called weather forecasting(天气预报).
    For many centuries and in all countries, people have studied the weather and tried to make weather forecasting. Rings around the sun are a sign of coming rain. That many people feel their joints(关节) hurt is a sign of wet weather. Some birds fly high if fine weather is coming, but they fly near the ground if rainy or stormy weather is on the way. If you see a rainbow during rainy weather, this is a sign that the weather will become clear and fine. Such rainbows come in the evening. If the stars twinkle clearly at night, then fine weather will continue. If a fog appears in the morning just above a river, then the day will be warm. If the sunset is mostly red in colour, then the following day will be fine. If a rainbow appears in the morning, rainy weather will probably come.
    Most of the above sayings have been made by the people who have used their eyes and brains to make weather forecasting.
    类型: 阅读理解     难度系数:
  • Parents should stop blaming themselves because there’s not a lot they can do about it. I mean the teenager problem. Whatever you do or however you choose to deal with it, at certain times a wonderful, reasonable and helpful child will turn into a terrible animal. C.a parent with teenage children D.a doctor for mental health problems C.Parents should work more closely with school teachers. D.Parents are at fault for the change in their children.6 @: \) P1 P5 P- d: K, E8 f
    类型: 阅读理解     难度系数:
  • We have all experienced days when everything goes wrong.A day may begin well enough,but suddenly everything seems to get out of control.It seems as if a single unimportant event may cause a number of things to happen.Let us suppose that you are preparing a meal and keeping an eye on the baby at the same time.The telephone rings and this means your troubles are beginning.While you are on the phone,the baby pulls the table-cloth off the table,destroying your half-prepared meal.You hang up hurriedly and attend to your baby.Meanwhile,the meal gets burnt.As if this were not enough to bring you to tears,your husband arrives,unexpectedly bringing three guests to dinner. B.such accidents are rather strange C.such accidents are very common" L; ^+ U* @. O. ] M; j6 d( L D.we don’t know why such accidents happen- U! I A1 e/ P, _: \8 I! J- S
    类型: 阅读理解     难度系数:
  • Changsha, C.Work while you work and play while you play.% H' N( S* E8 B0 @# D. f: ^ D.Keep fit first.
    类型: 阅读理解     难度系数:
  • It gives me great pleasure today to say a few words in praise of a man we will all miss very much. To be honest, I can't imagine we will do without him when he's gone.【小题2】 How long did Masters worked there?
    A.37 years
    D.five times as much as before
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