• 2010-2007黑龙江高考试题库 在线答题试题及答案-云返教育

    • 某镇政府修筑公路时,需占用一农民的承包土地。在没有与该村民达成有效补偿协议的情况下,便组织人员将其承包地上的庄稼毁掉。该村民要求镇政府对此事予以合理解决,但未得到答复。于是,该村民向人民法院提出了行政诉讼,将镇政府推上了被告席。法院通过认真的庭审调查,做出判决,责令被告镇政府对原告作出合理赔偿。
      类型: 填空题     难度系数:
    • 已知f(x)是定义在R上的奇函数,当x≥0时,f(x)=x2-2x,则当x<0时,f(x)=         
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 设椭圆
      =1和x轴正方向的交点为A,和y轴的正方向的交点为B,P为第一象限内椭圆上的点,使四边形OAPB面积最大(O为原点),那么四边形OAPB面积最大值为(  )
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 必要条件假言判断的逻辑含义是         
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 2012年,网友提出“中国式过马路”一词,即“凑够一撮人就可以走了,和红绿灯无关”,于戏谑中表达了对目前我国交通秩序和交通文明现状的自嘲与质疑。提升国民交通文明素养应(  )
      A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①②④ D.①③④
      类型: 解答题     难度系数:
    • 对于细胞生物来说,由碱基A、C、T共可构成几种核苷酸         A
      A.8 B.6 C.5 D.3
      类型: 单选题     难度系数:
    • 已知数列是等差数列,是等比数列,且
      类型: 解答题     难度系数:
    • .

      Changed Lives
      In 1921, Lewis Lawes became the warden(监狱长) at Sing Sing Prison. No prison was kept 1 than Sing Sing during that time. But 20 years later, it had become a 2 place. When he was asked about the change, here's what he said, "I 3 it all to my wonderful wife, Catherine, who is 4 outside the prison walls."
      Catherine Lawes was a young mother. Everybody 5 her from the beginning that she should never 6 foot inside the prison walls, but that didn’t 7 her! When the first prison basketball game was held, she went into the gym with her three beautiful kids and she sat in the stands with the prisoners.
      She 8 getting to know them and their records. She 9 one convicted murderer was blind so she paid him a visit. 10 his hand in here she said, "Do you read Braille(布莱叶盲文)?" "What’s Braille?" he asked. Then she taught him how to read. Years later he would 11 in love for her.
      Then, she was killed in a car accident. The next morning Lewis Lawes didn’t come to work, so the acting(代理) warden took his place. It seemed almost 12 that the prison knew something was 13 .
      The following day , her body was resting in a casket(灵柩) in her home. 14 the acting warden took his early morning walk, he was 15 to see a large crowd of the toughest, hardest-looking prisoners 16 like a crowd of animals at the main gate. He came closer and 17 tears of grief(悲恸) and sadness. He turned and faced the men, "All right, men you can go. Just be sure and 18 tonight!" Then he opened the gate and a parade of prisoners 19 , without a guard, the three-quarters of a mile to stand in line to 20 their final respects to Catherine Lawes.
      And every one of them came back . Every one!
      1. A. better B. harder C. older D. tougher
      2. A. beautiful B. wonderful C. humanitarian D. attractive
      3. A. belong B. give C. contribute D. owe
      4. A. working B. supporting C. buried D. located
      5. A. warned B. told C. reminded D. informed
      6. A. put B. lay C. set D. get
      7. A. persuade B. stop C. keep D. submit
      8. A. insisted on B. hold out C. carry out D. keep up
      9. A. searched B. thought C. discovered D. caught
      10. A. Shaking B. Putting C. Feeling D. Holding
      11. A. laugh B. weep C. appreciate D. touch
      12. A. long B. apparently C. immediately D. later
      13. A. changeable B. disappointing C. mad D. wrong
      14. A. As B. Once C. While D. Since
      15. A. glad B. angry C. shocked D. frightened
      16. A. rushed B. shouted C. waited D. gathered
      17. A. noticed B. found C. expected D. understood
      18. A. check on B. check in C. check out D. check through
      19. A. escaped B. walked C. fled D. hurried
      20. A. attribute B. take C. pay D. display
      类型: 完形填空     难度系数:

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