• Read and choose. (读下面的对话,选择恰当的句子补充完整)Doctor: Hello !Susan: 例: (F)Doctor: 1( )Susan: My name is Sue.Doctor: 2( )Susan: I have a stomachache.Doctor: 3( )Susan: Not so often.Doctor: 4( )Susan: I will.Doctor: 5( )Susan: Thank you very much.A. What's wrong with you?B. What's your name?C. Take this medicine two times a day?D. Remember to wash your hands before meals.E. Do you wash your hands before eating?F. Hello!试题及答案-补全对话、情景问答-云返教育

    • 试题详情

      Read and choose. (读下面的对话,选择恰当的句子补充完整)
      Doctor: Hello !
      Susan: 例: (F)
      Doctor: 1( )
      Susan: My name is Sue.
      Doctor: 2( )
      Susan: I have a stomachache.
      Doctor: 3( )
      Susan: Not so often.
      Doctor: 4( )
      Susan: I will.
      Doctor: 5( )
      Susan: Thank you very much.
      A. What's wrong with you?
      B. What's your name?
      C. Take this medicine two times a day?
      D. Remember to wash your hands before meals.
      E. Do you wash your hands before eating?
      F. Hello!


      1.B 2.A 3.E 4.D 5.C
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