• 初学英语补全对话、情景问答试题及答案--云返教育

    • Read and choose.(从B中选择合适的答案回答A中的问题,把序号填到前面的括号中)
      ( )1. Let's go to the library.
      ( )2. Where is the teacher's office?
      ( )3. Do you have lunch at school?
      ( )4. How many desks are there in your class?
      ( )5. Is that your pencil?
      A. Yes, I do.
      B. Yes, it is.
      C. Forty-six.
      D. OK.
      E. It's on the first floor.
      类型: 补全对话、情景问答     难度系数:
    • Read and write. (将对话补充完整)
      A: Good morning! Robert.
      B: ____________________! Miss Chen.
      A: Who's' this man?
      B: ____________________my father.
      A: Nice to meet you!
      C: ____________________, too!
      类型: 补全对话、情景问答     难度系数:
    • Read and choose. (根据对话内容和中文意思填空)
      Boy: Let's play a guessing game (猜谜游戏).
      Girl: 1. (太好了).
      Boy: It's an animal. It's 2. (大的).
      Girl: Is it a 3. (狮子)?
      Boy: No, it isn't. It has a 4. (长的) nose and a 5. (短的)tail.
      Girl: Is it an elephant?
      Boy: Yes. It's so 6. (有趣的).
      类型: 补全对话、情景问答     难度系数:
    • ???句子,写序号。
      1. It doesn 't matter.
      2. This green is too light.
      3. Other colors?
      4. What about the red one?
      5. What size do you want?
      A: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?
      B: Yes, please. I'd like to buy a coat.
      A: ___________________________
      B: Size (尺码) 40.
      A: All right. ___________________________
      B: I don't like red. Do you have any other (其他的) colors?
      A: _______________________What colors do you like?
      B: I like green.
      A: OK. Here's a green one.
      B: Oh, ________________________
      A: I'm sorry, sir.
      B: _______________________ Thank you all the same.
      类型: 补全对话、情景问答     难度系数:
    • 选择。
      ( )1. Where's your dog?
      ( )2. When do you get up?
      ( )3. Do you visit grandparents every Sunday?
      ( )4. Who is she?
      ( )5. How many books do you have?
      A. No, I don't.
      B. She's my mother,
      C. It's under the tree.
      D. I have six.
      E. At 7:00.
      类型: 补全对话、情景问答     难度系数:
    • 选择合适的应答句。
      ( )1. What time is it now?
      ( )2. When do you play sports?
      ( )3. Is there a bridge in your village?
      ( )4. Can you set the table?
      ( )5. When do you eat dinner?
      A. Yes, there is.
      B. I eat dinner at 8:10.
      C. It's 11:25.
      D. I play sports at 8:30.
      E. No, I can't.
      类型: 补全对话、情景问答     难度系数:
    • 从下面选择适当的句子完成对话。
      A. What's this in English?
      B. Good morning.
      C. And this is my good friend, Beth.
      D. What' s your name, please?
      E. Nice to meet you, too.
      A: Good morning.
      B: 1
      A: 2
      B: My name's Peter. 3
      A: Nice to meet you.
      B: 4
      A: 5
      B: It's a chair.
      A: Thank you.
      类型: 补全对话、情景问答     难度系数:
    • Read and choose. (根据情景,选出合适的句子)
      1. 当你想问别人“你有多少支蜡笔?”.时,你会说:_____
      [ ]
      A. How many crayons can you see?
      B. How many crayons do you have?
      C. How many pens do you have?
      2. “排好队。”用英语表达应说:_____
      [ ]
      A. Line up!
      B. Stand up!
      C. Jump high.
      3. 当别人说“兔子有两只长耳朵。”你表示同意时,你会说: _____
      [ ]
      A. Great!
      B. How nice!
      C. That’s right.
      类型: 补全对话、情景问答     难度系数:
    • Read and find. (读对话,选择恰当的句子,将标号写在横线上)

      Jane: Peter, look at this picture.
      Peter: _____
      Jane: What can you see in the picture?
      Peter: _____
      Jane: How many cats can you see?
      Peter: Let me count. One, two, three…_____
      类型: 补全对话、情景问答     难度系数:
    • Look and choose. (看图选择正确的句子,将标号填在横线上)
      A. He is my father.
      C. Who 's the boy
      B. Who 's that woman?
      Finny: 1._____
      Peter: She's my mother.
      Finny: She looks very kind.
      Peter: Yes. And this old man is my grandpa.
      Finny: Who's that man behind (在……之后) your grandfather ?
      Peter: 2._____
      Finny: 3._____
      Peter: The boy is me.
      类型: 补全对话、情景问答     难度系数:
    • Read and choose.(根据上下文选择句子,将序号写在横线上)
      Lily: Good morning! My name's Lily. I'm from America.
      Lucy: __________ Lily.
      Lily: __________
      Lucy: My name's Lucy.
      Lucy: __________
      Lily: Where are you from?
      A. What's your name?
      B. Good morning!
      C. I'm from Canada.
      类型: 补全对话、情景问答     难度系数:
    • Read and choose. (读下面的对话,选择恰当的句子补充完整)
      Doctor: Hello !
      Susan: 例: (F)
      Doctor: 1( )
      Susan: My name is Sue.
      Doctor: 2( )
      Susan: I have a stomachache.
      Doctor: 3( )
      Susan: Not so often.
      Doctor: 4( )
      Susan: I will.
      Doctor: 5( )
      Susan: Thank you very much.
      A. What's wrong with you?
      B. What's your name?
      C. Take this medicine two times a day?
      D. Remember to wash your hands before meals.
      E. Do you wash your hands before eating?
      F. Hello!
      类型: 补全对话、情景问答     难度系数:
    • Read and complete. (看图,补全对话)

      1. - did you do?
      -I took pictures.

      2. -How did you go there?
      -I went there .

      3. - did you go?
      一I went to Beijing.

      4. -What did you do?
      -I _ and ____.
      类型: 补全对话、情景问答     难度系数:
    • Look, read and complete.(补全下列对话)
      Assistant: Can I help you?
      Mom: Yes, please. A pair of 1.______ for my son.
      Assistant: How about this pair?
      Tom: Yes, I like 2.______. It's very pretty.
      Mom: How 3.______ are they?
      Assistant: They are 4.______ yuan.
      Mom: OK. We'll 5.______ them.
      类型: 补全对话、情景问答     难度系数:
    • Read and choose.(读对话,选出合适的句子,将序号填在相应的横线上)
      Michael: Hello, John.
      John: Hi, Michael. ① _______
      Michael :I'm doing my homework.
      John: ②_______
      Michael: It's rainy. How about Beijing?
      John: ③_______
      A. What's the weather like in Shanghai?
      B. What are you doing now?
      C. It's sunny.
      类型: 补全对话、情景问答     难度系数:
    • Read and choose.(从B中选择合适的答案回答A中的问题,把序号填到前面的括号中)
      ( )1. What colour is the bag?
      ( )2. Where is the T-shirt?
      ( )3. Are they jeans?
      ( )4. Whose is that?
      ( )5. Is this your skirt?
      A. No, they aren't.
      B. Yes, it is.
      C. It's Fan Ying's.
      D. It's pink.
      E. It's on the bed.
      类型: 补全对话、情景问答     难度系数:
    • Read and choose. (根据实际情况答问题)
      1. 你想说大象有一条长鼻子。你应该说:______
      [ ]
      A. The elephant has along nose.
      B. The elephant has a long tail.
      2. 你想说自已有一双大眼睛.你会这样说:______
      [ ]
      A. Do I have big eyes?
      B. I have big eyes.
      3. 我们在早上七点钟上学.应该说:______
      [ ]
      A. We go to school at 7:00 A.M.
      B. We go to school at 7:00 P.M.
      4. 当你想向别人问路.你会先说:______
      [ ]
      A. Excuse me.
      B. Let's play a game.
      5. 露露在椅子下面找到了铅笔.她告诉你:______
      [ ]
      A. It's on the chair.
      B. It's under the chair.
      类型: 补全对话、情景问答     难度系数:
    • Read and choose. (读句子,选择正确的答语)
      ( )1. Is this a library?
      ( )2. Your school is so cool!
      ( )3. How many students are there in your class?
      ( )4. Do you have a canteen?
      ( )5. Where is the teacher's office?
      A. Yes, we do.
      B. It's on the third floor.
      C. Thank you.
      D. Yes, it is.
      E. Twenty-nine.
      类型: 补全对话、情景问答     难度系数:
    • Read and choose. (从所给的句子中选择合适的答语)
      A. No, I don’t.
      B. Thank you.
      C. Wow, it’s very tall.
      D. Good idea.
      E. No problem.
      ( ) 1. Look at that giraffe.
      ( ) 2. Do you like hot dogs, Jean?
      ( ) 3. Have some pears.
      ( ) 4. Can I use your bike?
      ( ) 5. Let’s watch TV.
      类型: 补全对话、情景问答     难度系数:
    • Read and match. (为左边的句子在右边找到恰当的答语,将它们连起来)
      1. Nice to meet you.
      2. How many snakes can you see?
      3. Draw a banana.
      4. Let's go to our school.
      A. I can see ten.
      B. And color yellow.
      C. Nice to meet you, too.
      D. Good idea.
      类型: 补全对话、情景问答     难度系数:


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