• Read and choose. (根据实际情况答问题)1. 你想说大象有一条长鼻子。你应该说:______ [ ]A. The elephant has along nose.B. The elephant has a long tail.2. 你想说自已有一双大眼睛.你会这样说:______ [ ]A. Do I have big eyes?B. I have big eyes.3. 我们在早上七点钟上学.应该说:______ [ ]A. We go to school at 7:00 A.M.B. We go to school at 7:00 P.M. 4. 当你想向别人问路.你会先说:______[ ]A. Excuse me.B. Let's play a game.5. 露露在椅子下面找到了铅笔.她告诉你:______ [ ]A. It's on the chair.B. It's under the chair.试题及答案-补全对话、情景问答-云返教育

    • 试题详情

      Read and choose. (根据实际情况答问题)
      1. 你想说大象有一条长鼻子。你应该说:______
      [ ]
      A. The elephant has along nose.
      B. The elephant has a long tail.
      2. 你想说自已有一双大眼睛.你会这样说:______
      [ ]
      A. Do I have big eyes?
      B. I have big eyes.
      3. 我们在早上七点钟上学.应该说:______
      [ ]
      A. We go to school at 7:00 A.M.
      B. We go to school at 7:00 P.M.
      4. 当你想向别人问路.你会先说:______
      [ ]
      A. Excuse me.
      B. Let's play a game.
      5. 露露在椅子下面找到了铅笔.她告诉你:______
      [ ]
      A. It's on the chair.
      B. It's under the chair.


      1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.B


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