• Read and choose. (请将相对应的句子的标号写在括号里)( )1. What colour is it?( )2. What are you doing to do after supper?( )3. What's wrong with him?( )4. Did you stay at home last Saturday?( )5. What's this?( )6. What day is today? A. He has a headache.B. It's Thursday.C. It's an orange.D. I'm going to clean the floor.E. It's brown.F. Yes, I did.试题及答案-补全对话、情景问答-云返教育

    • 试题详情

      Read and choose. (请将相对应的句子的标号写在括号里)
      ( )1. What colour is it?
      ( )2. What are you doing to do after supper?
      ( )3. What's wrong with him?
      ( )4. Did you stay at home last Saturday?
      ( )5. What's this?
      ( )6. What day is today?
      A. He has a headache.
      B. It's Thursday.
      C. It's an orange.
      D. I'm going to clean the floor.
      E. It's brown.
      F. Yes, I did.


      1.E 2.D 3.A 4.F 5.C 6.B
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